Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents have a variety of causes, are tired drivers who may be violating the rules of "hours of service" until accidents caused by improper maintenance of vehicles. A truck accident lawyer knows that it is critical to investigate the cause of the accident, and that may be the biggest factor in determining who is at fault.

Truck drivers have to follow stricter than drivers of passenger vehicles standards. Drivers and their companies have to follow strict rules and regulations that are ordered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, an arm of the Department of Transportation, which regulates interstate trucking industry.

This includes the rules of "hours of service" that indicate how long drivers can be operating their vehicles during a shift. Trucking companies are often under pressure to deliver their products quickly and to put pressure on drivers to ignore those rules. We are very educated on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations or FMCSR and often quoted to represent our clients in cases of truck accidents.

How can a Truck Accident Lawyer help you.

There are many different factors that the truck accident lawyer has to consider after a truck accident, especially those involving large trucks, 18 leaflets, or tow truck. Truck accidents on highways at high speeds are especially common.

In many cases, the vehicles come from distant places and can be owned and operated by many different companies. Just find who owns a truck or a freight car and its contents can be a difficult task. The Hagood lawyer has years of experience doing that. More importantly, he knows how to make the companies that are to blame, responsible for serious accidents.

When are these companies, only the process is starting. Researching trucking companies can be extremely difficult, no matter where one this located. It can even, which are of Mexico. Often, these companies have boldness in sharing information about their procedures and their drivers. The Law Offices of Gene S. Hagood know how to find that information and find the data that customers need to develop strong and solid cases.

Also, it is critical that you send a "preservation letter" or "spoliation letter" to the person or corporation that you think caused your injuries. (Visit our "spoliation letter" to fill in the details of the accident). This formal letter will let the parties know that you plan to file a complaint against them and that the company must preserve evidence related to the accident. Failure to preserve evidence, or the destruction or alteration of evidence by the way, is a criminal offense.

The following are some of the trucks on USA roads that may be involved in serious accidents that can lead to a lawsuit by a Truck Accident Lawyer:

1. 18 trucks wheels (sometimes called "Big Rigs" or truck trailers)

2. trucks or delivery of products.

3. Product delivery trucks.

4. cleaning garbage trucks.

5. trucks transporting oil or other chemical liquids.

6. cement trucks

7. Other large commercial vehicles

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